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Kent Davis BS: what about Glen Beck? (132* d) RE: BS: what about Glen Beck? 06 Jul 11 anyone able and willing to fix the link or the Greek letter display? The letters were just slightly distorted in the message preview.



Donuel, to what were you referring when when you wrote of Glenn Beck "I don't think he ever really got his church thing established in any organized way". His "church thing" is the LDS church. It's about as organized as they come.

And why do you attribute the founding of Regent University to Jerry Falwell? Jerry Falwell didn't establish Regent.

And when you write "HE is a modern day Father Flanagan", what do you mean? Father Flanagan is known for establishing a orphanage in Nebraska in 1917, which was a pretty cool thing to do, but I'm not seeing the connection with Glenn Beck.


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