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GUEST,Yum Yum Help: Bagpipes!!! (9) RE: Help: Bagpipes!!! 14 Oct 00

Thanks folks, I was able to get in touch with Na Piobairi Uilleann from Dublin (talk about around the world for a short cut) not only did I get sorted out with new pipe- bags and bellows but I was given a piece of information that has led me to a quite rare set of Uilleann pipes less than twenty miles from my home address. A 200 year old set of Coin pipes, (not for sale) but I have been given the loan of them for as long as I wish. Thanks again, But it would be great to have a list of Pipe-makers from the UK, does anyone know if there is such a list compiled. God help the neighbours, my little wrinkly fingers are going 'hell for leather'to practice what I used to play over twenty-odd years ago.

Yum Yum

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