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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Continuity Jones Writing folk music reviews (124* d) RE: Writing folk music reviews 19 Jul 11

Well, I think that if a CD is sent to a reviewer and said reviewer doesn't like the CD, he or she should say so. That means, when I read a review they do the following week when they DO like something, I know that they'll mean what they say. Also by following that path, as a reader one gets to know and trust (or not) different reviewers. For example, I rate Colin Irwin as a reviewer, but err away from Ian Anderson's likes as they tend to be more polished than my own preference. Point being though, as they are free to tell the truth, I can trust and act upon said reviews if I feel motivated to do so.

I disagree with the 'always find a positive in everything' line. I think if someone is reviewing a CD and finds it a stinker, they should have the right to say so. Why say "this cd is terrible but the man has nice hair and a taste in jumpers I admire"? It's just patronising nonsense. There's so much terrible music out there, I am pleased when someone shoots from the hip and says so.

And I've been shot from the hip many times! If they say something I agree with, that's fine - I agree. If they something I disagree with, I disagree, simple as that. If you send your CDs out to review, you must expect that every now and then someone will review it who thinks you're a hopeless hapless bum.

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