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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Graham Bradshaw Warwick 2011? (30) RE: Warwick 2011? 20 Jul 11

Is this the same festival we are talking about?!

Warwick is most definitely not a "Ghetto festival" whatever that is. And there are no steel fences. It is held on a school site (universally regarded as one of the best in the country), in a very relaxed setting, as well as in the town. There are umpteen venues on site - from the Main marquee (which probably isn't your cup of tea) down to small rooms with workshops and singarounds and music sessions. In town, virtually every pub has something on, whether it be an arranged event or an impromptu session. If you can't find something to your liking amongst that lot, you are indeed a VERY difficult person to please. Also, it is difficult to see what else the organisers can do to satisfy persons such as your self.

I hope you enjoy another festival elsewhere that fits the bill - wherever that is!!

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