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GUEST,livelylass BS: security concerns about Norway shooting (142* d) RE: BS: security concerns about Norway shooting 25 Jul 11

"I agree that disaster plans should be in place; there are flash floods out there, lightning storms, bear attacks, broken legs and backs, flat tires, cases of homesickness... But only in this country do we feel that we need to include the hazards of a potential attack by a human being. And even we don't prepare for the same human being presenting himself as a figure of authority.
Norway, given its history of non-aggression, has about as much reason to expect such an event as a group of Amish on an outing having to worry about one of its people running amok."

Quite so. I also agree with SINSULL's evaluation above. It was a well planned attack.
I really hope this man's actions neither indicates nor inspires a wave of right-wing "christian" fanatic terrorism in Europe.

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