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GUEST,livelylass BS: 'Right to carry' anyone? (106* d) RE: BS: 'Right to carry' anyone? 26 Jul 11

Olddude, I don't object to strictly regulated gun ownership per se, as an English country girl I grew up with farmland and woodland all around and you would regularly hear the crack of a distant rifle going off somewhere out there. Either a farmer culling rabbits in the evening or someone bagging pheasant. As for your paper targets, well why not, we have clay pigeon shooting over here which probably isn't much different in principle. But hand guns are a different matter IMO, those are not 'sports' guns but are purposely designed to kill fellow human beings. And that far I wouldn't ever wish to go. Particularly not the "right to carry" them anywhere you please. But of course the US is another country. And it's not my call!

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