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GUEST,livelylass Obit: John Barleycorn (34) BS: Obit: John Barleycorn 31 Jul 11

Oh dear, it's that time of year again..

Ritual sacrifice is such a troubling thing, even when it is undertaken for the greater good of the community, eh?
Poor young chap cut down in his prime, only just began to grow a beard too!

Lammastide / Loaf Mass / Lughnassa or whatever you will, East-Anglian farmers are busy about their business harvesting the wheat (that's corn too by the way, though not corn in the way USAins tend to mean it). Huge humming combine harvesters have been cropping the golden fields to stubble this weekend, and will no doubt be continuing to do this coming week as the warm dry weather prevails.

A picnic for us tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully we'll find somewhere still softly golden and as yet unshorn, to sit in the warmth and eat bread and cheese and honey.

Traffic sing John Barleycorn

"They Hired Men" - August Wheat Harvest in East Anglia (no scythes)

Ould Lammas Fair in Ballycastle

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