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mouldy BS: August 2011 Declutter & exercise reports (174* d) RE: BS: August 2011 Declutter & exercise reports 05 Aug 11

Penny, we have a zumba class in our village, and it's a good laugh. How close it is to the high powered stuff at the big gyms, I'm not sure, but we have the option of really going for it, or being "ladylike". I've just bought the wii zumba (I was bored and in Morrisons) so once I have tidied enough room...
A couple of my FB friends are coming to see me (with 2 dogs) in the next day or so, while they are visiting the area, and I need to be at least able to see the floor through the dust and debris! Much of what is required is to just put stuff back where it is supposed to be, and to shove the vac round.

I'm trying to track a local belly dance group down at the moment. I can't find their meetings online, and they're only 10 miles away. However, they are performing at Chillingham Castle's fete next weekend...

What's annoying is that there used to be a group in my village!

And I have just about convinced myself to go back to WW in September. My daughter has dropped 11lbs in just over a month, but she's a very disciplined person, unlike he mum!

I really feel for you guys in the high temperatures. We have had nothing like as much, and the humidity's been horrible. Yesterday was misty and showery, so much cooler, and we had some quite brisk showers overnight. Now it's a bright blue sky and a breeze. Nice day for a walk on the beach....No. I really need to get the hovel out in here. The village charity shop is open today, so maybe I can send some stuff down there. The builders aren't back till Monday. They are ekeing out what stone they've got at the moment, as the quarry's closed till the end of next week, and they are needing windowsills and lintels.


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