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GUEST,livelylass BS: Teenage Mothers in the UK (137* d) RE: BS: Teenage Mothers in the UK 05 Aug 11

"these girls are working the system...and who can blame them. ... Our system is rotten from top to bottom and if those at the top are too greedy to play by the "rules", how do you expect those at the bottom of the heap to behave?"

Indeed. It might shock some liberals to know that the working-classes can be quite pragmatic at times - and that's almost verging on "intelligent" dontcha known.. ;-)
Seriously though, choosing to 'opt out of the system' is something I've met MANY people espousing. Often more passive hippy/peace-nik types who haven't the drive for agitating the system. There's an entire sub-culture of opt-outers who actively CHOOSE to do so and make no bones about that choice either.
Given the options, I tend to feel it's a legitimate choice too, in some ways almost akin to civil disobedience, though less challenging - for as my father says to me, he was raised to be one of two things "cannon-fodder or factory-fodder" - just another little cog to be used and chewed up by the great machine:

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