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GUEST,livelylass BS: Teenage Mothers in the UK (137* d) RE: BS: Teenage Mothers in the UK 06 Aug 11

"young ladies who end up paying dear for a night's passion. Even those whose expectations of life are so low that the lure of benefits based on fantasy seem to be sufficient to make life choices."

It's not all about that "Oopsydaisy, forgot my pill!" teen lust stuff either, or indeed economic pragmatism based on limited options. Some of these girls having come from a shitty background themselves simply desire a loving 'family' life and so decide to go out and make one for themselves. And I've known some perfectly devoted serial Mums on benefits, including the multiple fathers thing and all - distrust of Men can of course be a part of the equation in many a rough working-class girls life. But again, there are a number of nuances to this stuff which will never reach the pages of right-wing media.

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