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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,livelylass BS: Punishment for riots (296* d) RE: BS: Punishment for riots 13 Aug 11

Excuse interjection, not allowed to post a GUEST thread in BS, but I noted quite a lot of sneering focus on the type of shops looted in the riots - places like JJB Sports, Footlocker, Mobile Phone stores and so-on, to add a piquancy to this, some commentators pointedly noted that shops like Waterstones remained unmolested.

As something of a counterpoint however, it just made me smile on perusing the Reader's Offers in the Guardian today at just how terrifyingly beige all their tat is. While I do peruse the Guardian online, if (for the sake of argument) I were on a looting spree frankly I wouldn't be seen dead looting the kinds of gear which seemingly represent prime 'objects of desire' for it's general readership..

Who knows, maybe I'm a Chav at heart, but I'd probably rather have a decent pair of trainers than an All-weather Patio Awning.. Eh oh ;-)

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