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mouldy BS: August 2011 Declutter & exercise reports (174* d) RE: BS: August 2011 Declutter & exercise reports 18 Aug 11

Still no sign of any builders. If they don't turn up tomorrow, I must remember to leave a power cable through the cat flap, so that they can work IF they come the next week, while I'm at Whitby. The trouble is that while they have been waiting for the quarry to reopen and to catch up on orders, they have been put on other jobs, which they now have to get finished.

We actually had sunshine yesterday, so I did the ironing in my sun trap of a back yard, and out on the floor of the new build. (It won't be a sun trap so much when it's built up!)

Went to a lovely open garden on Sunday, and was pleased to see how they had got a very productive veg garden - all in quite small square beds surrounded with paving.


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