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bruceCMR Tech: inexpensive portable stage lighting? (17) RE: Tech: inexpensive portable stage lighting? 23 Aug 11

The big problem with improvising something from builder's lighting, or exterior security lighting, is that they get hot. Many have labels saying "for external use only".

This effectively means that if you use them indoors, and you cause a fire, the insurance company will not pay up.

That's why theatres don't use them, and pay ten times the price for something similar....

Have a look at LED lighting - some of the "flat pars" are really good - the units come complete with stands and T-bars, and don't give off much heat. Cost has come down dramatically recently, and output power is rising. Still not as bright as tungsten, but far cooler and lower running costs.

Traditionally LED pars had red/green/blue LEDs, which means you can generate lots of bold colours. But they weren't very good for whites. Newer ones have added amber LEDs to the mix, which gives a more natural light.

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