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GUEST,Phil B Review: Carthy & Swarbrick (19) RE: Review: Carthy & Swarbrick 06 Sep 11

'It reminded me very much of early Downes and Beer gigs. I had always known that Paul was a huge fan of Dave Swarbeck. It was fascinating to hear the music, which had so much inspired him. Anyone would be impressed by the music, but it was also the spirit and the eclecticism which knocked me out. Glad to hear they are still at it'.

Its dave's unique ability to make something new out of a piece every single time. Martin builds the foundation and dave decorates it but never gets in the way of the song. Very important lessons to learn. Ironically, My first real awareness of Swarb was the opening bars of 'Sir Patrick Spens' from Fairports 'Full House' which was one of the great moments for younger me. I worked backwards into Carthy/Swarb from there. Genius. National treasures etc etc.

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