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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
mouldy BS: Fall feats-Declutter & Exercise SEPT '11 (181* d) RE: BS: Fall feats-Declutter & Exercise SEPT '11 16 Sep 11

They should get it done before the weather really grinds into winter. At least I hope they do! It will be wind and watertight by then anyway. A lot will depend on how soon I get the drawing from the architect that the planners need, with the completed planning forms, so that I can add a small roof-light.

Beaurocracy is alive and well!

Nobody's been today, but I have seen them finishing (I hope) a job just up the road, which they would have gone onto yesterday when the joiners were here.
Anyway, it's grey, blowy and rainy. At least I got the washing done, and it's in the dryer now.


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