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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
mouldy BS: Fall feats-Declutter & Exercise SEPT '11 (181* d) RE: BS: Fall feats-Declutter & Exercise SEPT '11 25 Sep 11

Managed to lose 3lbs last week at fat club.
I'm not going this time because I am going down south for a charty lunch in Surrey, which will include a get together with my old flatmates from my college days. (One of them, a breast cancer survivor, is the organiser of the lunch).

I have handed the planning paperwork back ovcer to the architect, as he is used to the long-winded forms, and which bits of them need ignoring for what is a mere small addition to the plans.

There will be more photos up on FB soon.

I'm starting to get a bit frustrated with not being able to get sorting out the back garden. I suppose it will mean I have something to keep me occupied over the winter months!


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