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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,livelylass Palestine (continuation) (759* d) Hopefully about Palestine 25 Oct 11

Please forgive the start of a fresh thread, but the two or three most voluminously prolific posters on the other one are evidently not interested in discussing the supposed topic whatsoever. As such perhaps it is best to let them have it. I have my doubts as to how long Mods will see fit to allow the continuance of this thread, but live in hope!

Anyway, serious issues for UNESCO and other subsiduary bodies of the United Nations following a recent vote on Palestinian admittance (yet to continue to go before the UNESCO general assembly), in the form of likely severance of all financial support from the US - a not inconsiderable sum, as it comprises something over 20% of all UNESCO funding.

Isn't Democracy (or perhaps that should more rightly be Plutocracy) a grand thing?

"if UNESCO admits Palestine as a member, the United States will be forced to effectively withdraw from the organization. That would be a huge financial blow to UNESCO, which receives 22% of its budget ($80 million) in dues payments from the United States. With that money, UNESCO promotes world press freedom, is the lead UN agency for the implementation of the Millennium Development Goal number 2 (universal primary eduction) and administers the World Heritage site program, among other things."

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