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mouldy Declutter & Fitness November 2011 (208* d) RE: Declutter & Fitness November 2011 10 Nov 11

Thought it was about time I dropped by.
It has certainly been an eventful November so far for several people! Claire, I hope you are coping ok! Susan, I hope you are enjoying your new exercise regime.

I have a weigh-in tonight, but have managed to shed 7lb since early September, due to a couple of small gains a few weeks ago, and staying the same last week. I'm not expecting a loss this week, as I was sitting around all weekend at a festival, and eating a bit more at times.

The plasterer only has a few bits to finish off in the new bit. The joiner has made the stairs, and is building a couple of small cupboards on the landing, as I write. All the tiles are bought, and a lot of them are sitting in the rear of my car! There is a good chance that the kitchen will be delivered next week, and the unit carcases fitted. It's just a matter of juggling tradesmens' times and availability.

Oh, and I have taken up tribal belly dancing.....


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