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ripov 'Occupy English Folk Music!' (608* d) RE: 'Occupy English Folk Music!' 12 Nov 11

re references to rock music and guitars:-
I quote (to save anyone struggling to find it)-

"Tyler and Sparks point out that in Spain, in the 1700's, there were 2 styles of guitar playing: "noisy music" which consisted of much strumming by the commoners, and "court music" which consisted of refined compositions for the aristocracy. The term "musica ruidosa" was used by Gaspar Sanz in his method book of 1674. Perhaps this is the root of the "classical" versus "flamenco" guitar styles in Spain, as well as today's split between popular steel string and electric guitars, and the "classical" guitar."

England (the South at least) was as much european then as it is now, so it is reasonable to assume that at the time of its' writing (or whatever other means of production and dissemination existed, as writing down takes a product outside the "folk" definition), alongside what some now call "folk music", there was a strong popular "rock and roll" culture. Or possibly the two are the same?

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