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GUEST,9999--making up for the one above Lyr Req: I Walk the Line (parody) (22) RE: Parody of I walk the line. 13 Nov 11

"I Walk The Line"

Better Lyrics:

I keep my pants up with a piece of twine
I keep my fly wide open all the time
I keep the knot loose on my piece of twine
Say you'll be mine, and you can pull the twine

Original Lyrics:

I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
I keep my eyes wide open all the time
I keep the ends out for the tie that binds
Because you're mine, I walk the line

The way I recall hearing it:

I hold my pants up with a piece of twine
I keep my fly wide open all the time
I keep the knot loose on that piece of twine
If you'll be mine, then pull the twine


Say you'll be mine, come pull the twine


The first two stanzas are on the net.

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