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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
mouldy Declutter & Fitness November 2011 (208* d) RE: Declutter & Fitness November 2011 23 Nov 11

STILL no workmen. I wasn't expecting the joiners today, anyway. The builder is chasing up the electrician and the plumber. They are starting to hold things up. The floorings come in 2 weeks.
I can't nip out anywhere in case one or other of the tradesmen turns up, and it isn't that pleasant sitting amidst all this mess. Not only that, some of the interior ironwork fell down in my old stove yesterday afternoon, and I can't quite get it back properly. I may need Ernie, and at the moment there is no way his little rotund body is going to be able to comfortably work in front of the stove. So if the weather gets colder, so do I, at the back of the house.
Now, if the plumber was to come and get the central heating on....

Grumpy old woman mode engaged. Writing Christmas cards out for something to do. 63 done so far...


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