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Skipjack K8 Sam Pirt plays Out on the Ocean (3) Sam Pirt plays Out on the Ocean 30 Nov 11

..... hopefully wearing a life jacket!

This is the second YouTube video up for Black Diamond Accordions, Sam is playing Out on the Ocean/Spirit of the Dance, which is also accessible on Youtube's Black Diamond Accordions channel.

The first video was 'Tivoli', which Sam chose as a favourite of the mainstream accordion player, whilst this one is more for the ceilidh/session players. The montage is mostly of the wonderful sailing smacks we still have gracing the River Blackwater, with a few of my old tub thrown in.

It's high time I gave it up for Olivia Doyle, my BDA co-director Juliet's daughter, who has put the videography together, as we are very lucky to have her talent to call on, because she has slightly higher profile clients on her books. She recently toured with Toots and the Maytals and put up this tour video on her YouTube channel, which she squeezed into the middle of her A Levels. Sadly, she hasn't managed to get piano accordion into the ska world yet, but we're working on her......

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