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Skipjack K8 BS: The Archers UK Soap (527* d) RE: BS: The Archers UK Soap 09 Dec 11

Now we're limbering up for the first anniversary of Nigel's ill-advised teeter along the ridge tiles, I thought it was high time this gem was returned to the top of the charts.

Wasn't that a storming performance by Sharern, mother of Koyloi and the yet-to-be-unveiled Rich the other night? Quite how Koyloi turned out to be such a charming young lady is a mystery, spawned from loins of aggravated-manslaughterer Cloive Horrobin, but we'll give that to the nurture-over-nature brigade and the steady stepfatherhood of the equally-yet-to-be-unveiled Eamon.

And just while I'm getting a year's worth of Ambridge conspiracy theories off me chest, who agrees with me that the Bridge Farm salmonella disaster was in fact caused by Sewzerne, and not that poor 'dirty woman' Clarroi? Another sleeper, that one, mark my words....

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