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deepdoc1 Most Moving Love Song - folk or non-folk (135* d) Lyr Add: WHERE'VE YOU BEEN 11 Dec 11

As I get older, songs like this and Tim O'Brien's "Like I Used To Do" speak a stronger message about knowing a lifelong love than about finding new love.


Claire had all but given up
When she and Edwin fell in love
She touched his face and shook her head
In disbelief, she sighed and said,
"In many dreams I've held you near
Now, at last, you're really here."

"Where've you been?
I've looked for you forever and a day
Where've you been?
I'm just not myself when you're away."

He asked her for her hand for life
And she became a salesman's wife
He was home each night by eight
But one stormy evening, he was late
Her frightened tears fell to the floor
Until his key turned in the door.

"Where've you been?
I've looked for you forever and a day
Where've you been?
I'm just not myself when you're away."

They'd never spent a night apart
For sixty years she heard him snore
Now they're in a hospital
In separate beds on different floors

Claire soon lost her memory
Forgot the names of family
She never spoke a word again
Then one day, they wheeled him in
He held her hand and stroked her hair
In a fragile voice she said,

"Where've you been?
I've looked for you forever and a day
Where've you been?
I'm just not myself when you're away.
No, I'm just not myself when you're away."

Jon Vezner; Don Henry (c) 1989

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