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xrisxroz How do I sing louder? (62* d) RE: How do I sing louder? 25 Jan 12

I get a bit confused by discussions as to which is better louder or quieter singing or which style? I've sung & taught many different styles for years but always return to the first love that grounds me, folk. To me singing's like surfing only we use air to surf with sound rather than water to keep us afloat. Just like a surfer, if we catch the wave (or sound) right you can go for miles! by which I mean if you sing the sound wave at the point you want to, you get a sound that carries no matter if it's loud or quiet. It's a matter of learning how to manipulate your singing tackle to achieve that accuracy when you want to achieve it.

I've had many pupils claim they can't sing, but I believe everyone who can speak can sing. If you have problems accessing a good teacher try looking at yourself in a large mirror. Forget self consciousness, look at yourself as a professional product. What do you want to look like on stage? What do you want to sound like in selected songs? Work at it & gradually you'll know what works when you are out there without the mirror.

Stand straight - keep the airway straight so air delivery is efficient. Plant your feet slightly apart and give yourself a little jiggle to centre your hips comfortably. Look straight ahead, looking up to the ceiling closes a flap in your throat making life really hard. Don't bother singing to your feet, they ain't paying to hear you!

Experiment with tongue position, keeping it high produces a thinner sound which is suitable for some material whilst other songs will be better with more space in the mouth producing a richer, fatter sound. If you're unsure imagine a golf ball in your mouth or (my younger pupils' favourite) try humming with 1 or 2 marshmallows in your mouth!

Growling can be great but take care not to overdo it. If your throat hurts, find another way that doesn't or you'll damage your voice. I use any sound that seems effective but always work to find ways that don't hurt.

Record yourself & listen carefully - not to criticise but to hear how different mouth & throat shapes & breathing produce different effects. Then you can select appropriate effects for different songs.

Yoga is brilliant. To feel how you can control the sound with your core muscles lie on the floor. Place your arms straight out above your head and breath. Move them to be outstretched at shoulder height, breath. Now move them by your side & breath. Which is easier? Should be the latter as your diaphragm will be able to work.

I've seen people I love die 'orrible deaths through emphysema so hate smoking. Pineapple is brilliant for clearing clag off your vocal chords. Personally I practice daily when driving. Admittedly I can't stand up but the windscreen is a great reflective surface to hear what's being sung.

Hope this helps.

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