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GUEST,Paul Burke BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka! (1606* d) RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka! 10 Feb 12

If you have to read it out of a book, it's not morality, it's just "I vass only obeyink orders". So the Bible has NO morality in it whatsoever, any more than Mein Kampf or Joe Stalin's scibblings do. The dictator god, whose orders must be obeyed simply because of who he is, is ironically a descendant of the Roman emperors who assimilated Christianity in the 4th century.

Even so, as others have pointed out, talibs are strangely selective in which orders they obey. No doubt our friend will come up with the party line as to why, but like all such party lines it will be as convincing as their other "explanations". And the reason is that it is the party line, given from their Kremlin, and accepted without question.

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