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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Jon Corelis BS: First Joke Thread of 2012 (193* d) RE: BS: First Joke Thread of 2012 15 Feb 12

A young man hails a taxi in London, and when he gets in the driver says, "I remember you! A couple weeks ago I took you and your lady friend to the restaurant. I must say, she's a fine figure of a woman: movie-star beautiful, intelligent, refined, great sense of humor, wonderfully dressed -- I don't mind telling you you're a very lucky man to have found a girl like that. By the way, how is she?"

"Well, actually," the young man replied, "we've broken up, and I'll probably never see her again."

And the taxi driver nodded sagely and said, "You're better off, mate."

Jon Corelis
Jon Corelis on SoundCloud

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