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GUEST,Andy Mansfield Guitars?????? (84* d) RE: Mansfield Guitars?????? 19 Feb 12

Amazing read on the Mansfield history, like most here i find myself wondering of the guitars as I have been playing my Mansfield accoustic the last 30 yrs with nothing but delight and sheer enjoyment. Mine is a starburts finished Humming Bird with no identification on it anywhere other than the Mansfield name on the head stock. I puchased it from a dear friend who never played it although he bought it brand new when he was in high school, circa 1961 if thats possible. Over the years I have changed the nut & bridge simply due to wear. It has an adjustable bridge and I have fine tunned the action to the point of rivalling most electric set ups, the result is amazing! as for the sound of this instrument, all I can say is it defies understanding..the sound is deep, rich, clear and with sustain that is overwhelming! I don't think I would ever part with this guitar as it has become a real dear friend :) Thanks to all for your wonderfull insight to an amazing history! Have fun and "Play Every Day"

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