Most sensible comments I have seen introduced so far have come from Bassen "Reasons given on a hunting blog: Less noise when hunting early mornings, late evenings; less noise when hunting close to houses and farms; protect hunters' hearing (and dogs!); less noise and recoil so you can see how well you shot; less noise and recoil so you shoot more precisely; no flame from the barrel so you aren't blinded when shooting early morning/late evening. Also, the way hunting is organized in Norway, your license may only be for a fairly limited area, silencers will keep you from scaring animals off your "ground". Hunting Red Deer Stags in Scotland the land owner insisted that only "estate" guns were used - ALL were fitted with "suppressors" - the land being "shot" over included hikers paths and rights of way all the land owner had to do was post notices at every entrance that Stalkers were out on the hills and that hunting was in progress.