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deepdoc1 Gordon Bok and Kendall Morse perform - 15 March (73* d) RE: Gordon Bok and Kendall Morse perform - 15 March 22 Feb 12

Man, Kendall, I sure wish I could've got you and my dear departed friend Jim Gill together in a room. Jim was a Warrant in the CG and spent his time on lightships, then drove ferry's and tour boats on San Francisco Bay for years. He loved listening to and playing this folk and seafaring music and lore. Some of my favorite memories are of playing music with him on the beach in San Diego. That glimpse into your CG times just tantalizes the ears thinking of the stories you (and JG) could tell. I sure hope someone has gotten those stories down for posterity, sir. Too much history to let go. I hope to hear you and Gordon play. My mind boggles. Thanks for your work.

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