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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Ole Juul Tech: Search Engine of the month (15) RE: Tech: Search Engine of the month 15 Mar 12

I read that entry by Whittaker earlier today and wondered why he would find Microsoft, "the graveyard of creativity" to be better, or even acceptable. I realize that one has to have a job, but still, he's silent on what would be the elephant in the room to many people since those thoughts would be very relevant to this story.

As for searching, I actually find to be quit good.

Now facebook. I should probably not get started here. :) I recently wrote a long dissertation on some of the problems with that which I published here: The big problem to me is not so much the privacy issues, but the long term effect on the net and who controls it. Like many analysts, I see a possible death of the net as we know it. This fellow is certainly on board with that:

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