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GUEST,Patsy BS: How do you decide you can afford it? (48) RE: BS: How do you decide you can afford it? 20 Mar 12

I wouldn't quite go as far as cutting my own hair I have to admit, that is one thing I do wait for until I can afford it and just go without something else when I can. Mainly because I don't trust my own handiwork or anyone else in the family for that matter. When my eldest son was young I cut his hair in a pageboy type thing (Walton style) and he has never really forgiven me for that. I still have photos of him sporting the hairdo in the family album which I frequently get out for him to cringe at when he drops by!

How people prioritise depends too on what stage in your relationship you are at, circumstancial changes i.e. divorce. Age and wisdom can also change priority on what can be afforded or more to the point good value for money. Eliza and Little Hawk are right to say that we must all face death at some point and you can't take the possessions with you when you go.

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