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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Ole Juul Garbage music (71* d) RE: Garbage music 23 Mar 12

I assume the OP is just trolling for the fun of it. :) Nevertheless ...

The world is so much more accessible, and so much bigger than it ever was. There is probably more good music today than ever before and I pity the person who cannot find it.

I would also like to point out that when I hear two (for example) Oriental people talking to each other, I don't understand what they're saying - I often don't even know what language they're speaking. In such a case I cannot begin to judge what they are saying. Likewise when someone is playing so called music to what is sometimes an enormous audience, how can I judge the message? Are all those people deaf, or are they speaking another language? There certainly appears to be some kind of communication. Perhaps it's in the dance steps, perhaps it's in the subtleties of how they dress or hold their instruments. Perhaps it's none of my business.

My personal tastes may or may not be in line with the OP, but I most certainly work on different assumptions regarding other people's "music".

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