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Ole Juul Garbage music (71* d) RE: Garbage music 23 Mar 12

Thanks for the vote of confidence CS. :)

I would also like to add that even though some "music" may not be any of my business, I could of course make it my business. However, why would I if there was nothing that drew me to it? The OP's comment is indeed quite suspect.

Another important point is that music is not always about what you like or what you think sounds good. That has never been a workable definition. Indeed much traditional music is actually about the words as one can see by the value of some tunes if they were removed. There is also the human need for identity. Much of folk music, and I would include both "traditional music" and rap in the same camp here, is about cultural identity. That really isn't about sound as such - although I suppose one could include the environmental soundscape. In the end people feel comforted by different experiences and different stories.

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