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Ole Juul 'faking' music for an F recorder (111* d) RE: 'faking' music for an F recorder 01 Apr 12

Perhaps I missed it, but one mustn't forget that many recorders are made to A=435 so will have to transpose up a semitone in order to mix with those that use A=440. Hehe, you know one really needs to develop quite a skill to transpose all the flutes that one might reasonably encounter. Who can read can read tunes like Ornithology or similarly harmonically rich tunes on a baroque recorder with guitar accompaniment? Almost nobody. There's no end to it, and that's why I mention this theoretical and ridiculous, though quite possible, situation.

The bottom line is to stop dreaming about clearing the highest bar and just write it out the way you need to have it, so you can get the job done. High aspirations are fine, but let's play some music now.

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