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GUEST,Jess Lullaby Land (songs posted here) (65* d) RE: Lullaby Land (songs posted here) 08 Apr 12

Hi everyone,
I'm not sure how many people will actually see this, but I finally got my Huggies/Playskool tape fixed and converted to CD. Although it's a little scratchy (particularly at the beginning), if anyone wants the audio file, I'd be glad to send it.

It is under my name, Jessica, but i know some people just wanted any name. You can e-mail me at and PLEASE put "Huggies/Playskool Tape" as the subject so I don't think it's spam.

I'll try and get around to looking at all the e-mail addresses posted here who wanted a copy these past few years and send it out to them too. Love having my music back :)

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