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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
annamill BS: Kendall's latest physical (184* d) RE: BS: Kendall's latest physical 10 Apr 12

Hi! Ya know, I haven't been here in a very long time and I am amazed at how absolutely nothing has changed! This is a compliment BTW. All the same people I loved and had fun with way beck when. Kat, Spaw, Kendall, Jacqui, gnu, Sinsull, Amos, DougR, Dick G., Bobert, and others... I miss you guys.

I gave up smoking back when my son was 7 yrs old. He's now 34. It was food on the table or cigs in my pocket. That's when they only cost $1.00 a pack. LOL! I started when they were .25 cents a pack.

I have trouble breathing when I run or walk to fast or walk up a hill or the stairs, otherwise not to bad. My doc says I might have a touch of emphazema but not to worry.

It's good to read you all again. Now, I'm going to go read some more. LOL!

Love, Annamill

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