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GUEST,gutcher Help: bondagers - female farm workers (21) RE: Help: bondagers - female farm workers 12 Apr 12

Before the milking machine completely did away with hand milking those men employed as ploughmen/byremen on dairy farms had, as part of their contract, to supply a female to hand milk in much the same way as those in the arable East/East Borders had to supply a bondager in order to secure a cottage.
When hand milking had been eliminated farmers still liked to have the cows "stripped" by hand after the machine had been removed as they felt this was beneficial to the health of the cow, hence the advert for a stripper.
WysiwyG---- you can relax for now, your memory seems to be functioning better than mine.
One can imagine someone in the future coming across the advert for a stripper and jumping to all sorts of conclusions about orgies in the Scottish countryside!

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