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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Keef SunCube Fiasco (163* d) RE: BS: SunCube and other Green Widget Scams 30 Apr 12

"I do think though Keef, that if you put as much energy into looking for genuine solutions as you do into opposing bogus ones, you'd make a better contribution. The scammers can operate because the world is looking for an easy way out of a huge problem. It's possible (probable?) that there is no solution; in which case we're fucked. But let's try to look for one."

I know I am pushing shit uphill with a pointed stick BUT

Ralph Nader did not design any new cars
He did however make a contribution to automobile safety.

I think the renewable energy industry is also "unsafe at any speed"
and I think it is time to build in safety features to reduce the injury caused by car crashes like Green & Gold Energy and Solyndra.

No, that's all right, no need to thank me, just doing my job....
Kindly send Nobel prize c/- P.O.Box 1234 Bogafreakingbilla, Beyond Black Stump, Never Never Land.

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