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Keef SunCube Fiasco (163* d) RE: BS: SunCube and other Green Widget Scams 30 Apr 12

The scandalous tale of one of the greatest business scams in Australian business history - the controversial fuel pill, Firepower.

A magic pill that cuts fuel consumption and reduces emissions ...... that was the miracle promised by Tim Johnsto' s company, Firepower.

Everyone believed him; prime ministers and presidents, doctors and diplomats, business leaders and sporting heroe - even ASIC the corporate watchdo - went along with the myth. Millions of shares were sold to investors, and by 2007, Firepower had become the biggest sporting sponsor in the country.

But it was all a sham. In this compelling account, Gerard Ryle demolishes the fairytale, exposing a wobbly financial pyramid and the greatest fraud ever committed in Australia

Tim Johnston divided his people into Oranges and Lemons. Those who did' t know him enough yet, he called Oranges. They thought he was nice and sweet and juicy. But those who really got to know him became Lemons: he left them bitter and twisted'

An excellent read. Gerard commented on the psychological peculiarity that victims would rather accept more lies from the conman than face up to the fact that they have been dudded.

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