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mouldy BS: Mudcat Gardeners 2012 (200* d) RE: BS: Mudcat Gardeners 2012 07 May 12

Greetings from across the pond!

After last year's enforced non-gardening, due to building work, I have spent time (and money) getting the albeit small (microscopic by New World standard) back garden up and running. The veg plot (once under concrete) is planted, with a donation of top-soil from the builder. It's still got too many stones in it, but the level is better than it was. Also, my back and shoulders were starting to wave the white flag after several days of uncovering old wall foundations - stone ones just a few inches down. I think the root veg will be interesting shapes this year!
That's when they eventually get going properly.
The weather's been diabolical. We had a very warm late March, and then after that it's been nothing but traditional March temperatures. The bees are too cold to fly much, the blossom either started early, or it's late. I'm lucky to have a walled garden, but even so, things are slow.
The bulbs are ending, and the things that have had the sun are doing fairly well, but the soil has been very cold. The frogspawn in my little pond got killed by the frosts that followed the early warm weather.

Well anyway, I got apple variety number 6 today. They are dwarf, or semi-dwarf trees, and one is a dual variety, so they don't take up too much room. Somehow I am not hopeful of a very good crop, even though there is quite a bit of blossom on them.

(in North Northumberland)

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