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GUEST,99 BS: Memory jogging tips for seniors (53* d) RE: BS: Memory jogging tips for seniors 16 May 12

OK,I got it. I take three meds during the day, unless I get the times mixed up, in which case I take three days to take the meds I usually take every day three times during the day I take the three meds. IF I forget, then I go back to day one and take the meds three times but only once during the day. The second day I take the three meds three times because the missed two days really fuck me up. THEN, on day four, I start at day two, which I haven't yet mentioned because I forgot there was a day two. It's really simple once you do it a time or two. Or three. Day five is a sonamabitch because who, he who is on first but is off base and can be tagged out, took HIS meds on day four. What you may ask (what's on second) didn't take his meds, and now I don't know, who's on third but we know really is on first because he's who, doesn't take his meds. Don't ask, because I don't know.

May seem odd, but I don't know is on third and who on first knows what, so who's on second. Good meds. G'night, gnu.


Don't forget the stuff in front of the door.

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