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Harmonium Hero John Kelly Permathread (98* d) RE: John Kelly Permathread 26 May 12

Two upcoming dates: Thursday June 7th; Orpington Folk Club, Change of Horses,
                                  Farnborough High St. BR6 7BB. 8.15pm   
                                  Friday June 8th: Seaford Folk Club, British Legion Hall, Claremont Rd
                                  BN25 2BJ. 7.45pm
That's all there is. Nothing else lined up. I'm still not known in many areas, but I can't afford to do the promotional tours, so the future isn't looking good. In fact, if I can't get bookings some other way, or get some free money from somewhere, I may have to get rid of the van next February when the MOT and insurance become due. And that means I won't be going anywhere. I'm setting up a website, so maybe that might get me some work. Everybody these days seems to think that's the way to do it; I'm not convinced, but we'll see.
There are still CDs available. Further to my comments a couple of posts back, David Kidman's review is also on the Living Tradition website. I WILL sort out a link, just as soon as I can button-hole a computer-literate person...

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