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GUEST,Gibsonboy Review: Jools Holland at Southwell Festival (52* d) RE: Review: Jools Holland at Southwell Festival 07 Jun 12

If by inviting Jools Holland to perform at a separately ticketed event, brings in enough paying customers to secure the finances for next years Festival, then I for one say well done to the Committee. The only problem was that it required such a large tent, it unfortunely illustrates the rather narrow appeal of the purists form of Folk Music. Folk must diversify or die.

As for the critism of it pandering to JH's ego, don't see that, the event had four different lead singers, several guests, numerous lead musicians of which he was only one. Jools Holland and his Orchestra are quality muscians who are able to test their chosen instruments to the limit, in a way many Folk artists can't.

Finally, I think some of the foul mouthed rhetoric displayed above possible tells you more about Folk and Folk people than anything, and it is to regreted as the genre deserves better.

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