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GUEST,Teribus BS: Wonderful Jubilee celebrations (427* d) RE: BS: Wonderful Jubilee celebrations 16 Jun 12

British industry was dead long before Maggie Thatcher became Prime Minister, all she did was put it out of its misery (British steel and coal was ridiculously expensive - I think we were mining coal at £250 per ton when we could get it delivered from Australia for £8 per ton - The Coal Industry was costing £750million a day to subsidise it - that just could not go on - Scargill & Co thought that it could and should by right). What is not mentioned in your little left-wing rant is the foreign investment that she brought into the country.

The country she handed over at the end of her tenure was financially sound, other European countries followed her example, then in 1997 TB & Co came onto the scene - Now after 13 years of Labour Government how would you describe the state of the country. The totally incompetent performance of Blair and Brown has destroyed our country, the "Coalition Government" that has followed them is doing no better, but giving them their due taking over from Gordon of Cartoon they have been passed a poisoned chalice.

Every Labour Government that has been elected since the end of the second world war has diminished the country and left the country in a total mess, that the subsequent Tory Government has had to pull us out of.

As for the "Honourary" Ranks awarded to Prince Charles?? I think that might have something to do with the fact that they are required to be held so that Prince Charles can take on some of the Royal Duties that presently can only be carried out by the Queen herself (86) or by the Duke of Edinburgh (90).

Talking about "earning" things some instances for you to look into.

Harold Wilson - the man who would not let you buy your own home - came into office owning one home, left office owning five.

Neil Kinnock - the man the British would not trust with running the country - compare his "lifestyle change" between him joining Parliament and today (Where did he get his millions)

The Blairs - Both lawyers now multi-millionaires (How??)

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