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ChrisJBrady Is it legal to video a group sing? (56* d) RE: Is it legal to video a group sing? 14 Jul 12

I used to film the old step dancers James Keane and Dan Furey at the Wilie Clancy Summer School - a major Irish music, song and dance festival inMiltown Malbay, Co. Clare. These became friends of mine. They freely let me film their steps for properity. Indeed one year we filmed the only surviving dancers of the crossed-stick dance the Yellow Haired Goat. Muiris Ó Rócháin and Harry Hughes the organisers knew what I was doing, it was OK for me because what I was doing was "all for the right reasons." However then the committe changed and I kept getting harrassed by the assertive stewards about 'breaking copyright' so I gave up. I never went back, especially after James and Dan passed away. And most of the footage from the 1990s will now never see the light of day, although it may evetually go to the National Music Archives in Dublin.

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