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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
iancarterb Tune a Ukulele same as Violin EADG? (45) RE: Tune a Ukulele same as Violin EADG? 24 Jul 12

ALthough this is 90 degrees away from most of the thread responses, as was noted above "you can tune any instrument any way you like", and it might work well to tune a uke like a mandolin but a baritone uke like a mandola, ie (ascending pitch) GDAE and CGDA. I always liked Frank Warner's banjo, strung with nylon and "tuned like a uke" and strummed like a uke. Mr Proffit made the banjo with a fifth string, but Mr Warner grew up with the uke, and was more passionately interested in the songs than the accompaniment anyway. I think that the original poster Guest, guest, might well spend a day listening to Jake Shimabokoru (SP?) and a day listening to Jethro Burns and decide what he or she likes best.:)

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