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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
deepdoc1 ADD: Little Bird (Jerry Jeff Walker) (7) RE: ADD: Little Bird (Jerry Jeff Walker) 18 Aug 12

Lyrics from JJW, Live at Gruene Hall:

Little bird come sit upon my window sill
Sat there thru the falling rain
As I watched that little bird upon my window sill
I saw my thoughts of you go by again

A picture of my face on the window pane
Is it tears I see or is it rain?

I remember how we talked before we said goodbye
Too young to notice the world outside our door
And how we laughed and said our love was free
Like birds that fly the winds
Well, the rainy day made me think of you once more

A picture of my face on the window pane
Is it tears I see or is it rain?

I have no regrets about the past I see how young we were
When our world was love and life was but a thought
Many things go many ways and many times but once
Till our lives have passed and that love is but a thought

A picture of my face on the window pane
Is it tears I see or is it rain?

So as the thoughts go tumblin' back
I wonder how you loved
Wonder if you've seen that little bird
I wonder if he sat upon your window sill
I wonder if you'll ever hear these words

And a picture of my face on the window pane
Is it tears I see or is it rain?

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