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Ole Juul Tech: Typing foreign stuff & symbols on a PC (55* d) RE: Tech: Typing foreign stuff & symbols on a PC 20 Aug 12

I hope that in this day and age, as treewind points out, that everybody is using UTF-8!

Regarding using Alt-number, I do that in MS-DOS6.22, but since I don't otherwise run any Microsoft or proprietary products, I use a "compose key" which in my case is set to Right Alt. I mostly just use it for the vowel ligatures in Danish.

As Charles Macfarlane points out, the fonts are on the user's computer (thank goodness!) and the only reliable way is using CSS. Even then (just to muddy the waters a bit) the W3C specifies that browsers need to have user CSS available. In fact, I adjust my Firefox to only use a serif font, regardless of any web page's specification. I find I can read stuff better that way. Regardless, Charles' web page linked above, does show properly.

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