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GUEST,romanyman Where are the youngsters? (154* d) RE: Where are the youngsters? 22 Aug 12

Ive been away from mudcat for ages, and just thought id have a look at whats going on with the cat, and lo and behold, the samo old same old.
as ever the where are the youngsters question, well i spent a week at broadstairs folk week and was greatly suprised at the number of pubs that opened to folkies, apart of course from the three at the bottom of town that always do their best to screw the week up. now the same old answer to the question of youngsters , is , and this is what i see and is my interpetation, i used to go to folk clubs, and the ssssshhhhhhhhh brigade ruled, and still rule, many young people who were there, were relegated to outside the area, now if you grew up with this, then surely it would rub off, and anything folk, would result in " i dont belong here " also today there is so much choice in music, sadly folk is a long way down the list with many so called music teachers or school curriculums, my thoughts thats all

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